STYLE GOAL #2 // Get rid of what doesn’t work for you…

What does that mean?

It means that the things in your wardrobe that:

• don’t fit you
• don’t flatter you
• are worn out
• are out of date
• don’t suit where you’re at in life
• really aren’t ‘you’



Because they really are just clutter and they’re making everything more difficult – like putting an outfit together because it’s difficult to find the good from the bad…

What’s the aim?

A wardrobe with less that does more…

Building a wardrobe that works is one of the most rewarding things (not to mention all the money you save!) so much so I created a whole course on the topic.

Tell me in the comments section below, have you decluttered your wardrobe lately? Or, is it more inspiration or frustration?

Reach out if you need some help with this, trust me, it’s a HUGE relief!

Or check out my course – THE FABULOUS WARDROBE PROJECT

As always, love your style…